7:44 PM


Being a preschool teacher is HARD WORK! It's weird I say this now after I have worked at a preschool for three years, but never all day, every day. I am beat by the end of each day. I wish the kids would stop telling me "no" (erg) I wish they wouldn't bit me (erg) I wish they would just put on their coats and go outside instead of me having to force their coats on and carry them out (erg) I wish they would roll over and let me rub their backs during nap (erg) I wish they wouldn't scream and throw a tantrum at the first sign they aren't going to get what they want (erg).

Some days it's hard to see the positives. Oh wait, I have one, IT'S SPRING BREAK NEXT WEEK! I also had an orange creme sickle today at snack... tasty!

My cousin is pregnant and I have never been more excited for a baby in my life!

My tournament brackets are failing me.

My best friend can't come visit me this weekend because all four tires got stolen off her car last weekend in Chicago.

Oh man.