10:05 PM

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

Clear eyes, full hearts can't lose.

If you know what show that is from you may also know I have been obsessively watching that show. I have finished the first two seasons (granted the second season only has 15 episodes) in four days.

It is currently 1 am and I should be sleeping for like two hours now, but instead I just HAD to finish season 2. The worst part is there wasn't much to see. Season 1 = AMAZING. Season 2 = Less than desirable. Hopefully season 3 (which is currently showing on real tv) will be like season 1 again. I must blame the lameness of season 2 on the writers strike. I would like to give those people a piece of my mind and tell them how much they ruined my life last year/forever because of all my shows that have a bad season because of that strike.

My computer has a virus.


AJD ∞ said...

What is it from? I couldn't even guess. Gossip Girl...?

Kate said...

No it's from a new show... Friday Night Lights.