12:18 PM

an update while snowed in

The past week I have been staying with my friends in Jackson so I could work this week. I has payed off... literally. It is nice to get one last big check before I stop working (well getting payed for working).

Today I drove to work in a snowstorm, and stupidly parked my car on the side of the road. I had to dig it out of the snow when I left. Luckily a nice man with a shovel came over and helped me. Then pulling into the parking lot of the apartment I got stuck again. This time two men came to my rescue and got my car parked and safe. Oh yes, in the middle of all this my windshield wipers broke. Basically I wish I could just teleport home. I don't want to drive home, but I want to BE home. arggggg. I should have gone home last night and not worked today.

I must go assess the weather situation. We'll see how it goes.