8:01 PM

Oh yes

Graduation... so close. I am less stressed about getting a job because I am going to a job fair on Friday. I believe I am a quality person and can obtain a job in education, therefore I am going to walk in with confidence and just be like "Hi, I'm Kate. I am going to be a great teacher and am willing to go just about anywhere in the USA... wanna hire me?" (bat the the eyelashes a little there).

Actually these are the states I've ruled out:
California (too common everyone goes there)
Colorado (I am trying to get away from snow)
Kansas (Seriously, do I need more of a reason then it's Kansas?)
Texas (People in Texas seem to have big egos)
Wisconsin (Once again the snow thing)
Arizona (no real reason, it just has no appeal to me)

My current top runners are:
Georgia (there is going to be a school district at this job fair that is going to be opening FOUR elementary schools next year!)
Nebraska (seems random, but I know people around there, and I've heard it's a growing community)
North Carolina (they need some good teachers/I could live near Wilmington <3)
Virginia (just has appeal)
Maryland (lots of school districts are going to be at this job fair)

The convo I overheard on the bus trip today with my pre-kers :
Claire: I want glasses
Jocelynn (who wears pink glasses): Why? Because they're cute?
Claire: Yes
Jocelynn: Well you need a lazy eye like me. I have a strong eye and a lazy eye.

Kids these days... we took them to Meijer due to unforeseen circumstances with the school we were supposed to visit. I really think some of them had more fun looking at the toys in Meijer.


Niki said...

Just find a job in Michigan. How about Spring Lake or Grand Haven? Then we can hang out all the time!

When I was little I wanted glasses too.

In seventh grade, I got them.

Now I hate having to put in contacts or wear glasses everyday. Tell your pre-kers that!

AJD ∞ said...

DON'T go to California. Although, if you ended up in SoCal I would be there... For a year. It's warm! Eh... My arguments are not strong at all... I hate California.