12:42 AM

I don't feel any different

It is 2009.

I'm trying to think of words to describe 2008. I would have to go with: Weddings and Change.

Last night was fun some of my cousins came and two of my roommates from school and of course Alex.

I think I have come to love Alex even more over this break. I have been with just about every single day. Actually I am fairly certain Christmas was the only day I did not see her. The Christmas Miracle came and she did not have to go to her dad's. I really feel like she's my sister. I mean if I had a sister it would be her.

For 2009 I wish for myself:
Love - I want to love others without holding back. I want my family and friends to know how much I love them and appreciate them. I want to be loved. I want to surround myself with people who I can pour into and who will pour themselves back into me.

Courage - My life is going to change in major ways in 2009 I want the courage to make life altering decisions.

Strength - I am going to need a lot of it to get through all those changes. I need to be brave. Either I am stronger then I think, or I'm not as strong as I believe I am. I guess this year I will see which of those it is.

For 2009 I wish for great things. That my dreams that seem so big will not be too large for me to achieve. That the things I fear will not overcome me. That I won't leave behind everyone I love to find loneliness. That God will use me in ways I could never dream or imagine (and maybe in some ways I have dreamed of).

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
William Shakespeare