11:55 AM

Snow, School, Dreams

Yesterday when I left work it was snowing. First kiss snow in fact. (That's what I call it when the flakes are huge and it looks like a scene from a movie where the characters are having their first kiss) I thought, how can you not feel happy when the snow is so beautiful? I quickly answered that for myself when I became annoyed with my dear roommate anna for really no good reason. At least the snow was pretty!

I just spent about two hours learning the first minute and a half of the dance to single ladies by beyonce. I feel like I have worked out. Maybe that is what I should do for exercise, learn dances through watching them on youtube.

I really need to be studying for my quiz in night class tonight. I am such a procrastinator! I don't know how to get better at putting things off. I just never want to do school work anymore. I find it rather pointless. If only I hadn't done badly on two previous quizzes then I wouldn't study and just drop this quiz grade, unfortunately I did poorly on two quizzes (22 and 51... ouch!) The other three quiz scores are 100's. We get to drop our lowest scores, so that 22 is outta there! In the end... if I ever get my butt in gear... I should have four 100's and one 51. Can I also say that I studied a lot for that quiz I got a 51 on, I just studied the wrong things. (The 22 I did not study at all for)

After that quiz and talking with the prof about our projects I am done for Thanksgiving break. (Well I still have to work tomorrow at 6:30 am, but school stuff is done)

I dreamed that Mark and I were getting married. It was really weird because I kept asking him "are you sure you really want to do this?" and he was so calm about it, like it was no big deal. Since he was so chill about it I was too. Also in this dream I was dress shopping and I was so skinny in the dress I picked. Haha guess it was a dream after all :)

A picture of Mark and me for good measure :) (trust me we are destined to be just friends)